Third EMGEN Steering Committee (2014-Present)
There should be a Steering Committee of the EMGEN network comprising senior health scientists and researchers and responsible for advising on policy and strategic directions establishing priorities for research and development, and overseeing implementation and evaluation. Until a steering committee is appointed, the task should be assigned to an ad hoc committee (comprising of up to 7 members and a coordinator selected by consultation participants). The Third Steering Committee Election, has been held in Tehran, Iran, Jun. 2014 in electronic mode and its result evaluated and confirmed by EMGEN honorable overseer committee as below. In this regard, based on the kind decision of EMGEN honorable overseer committee, we are pleased to inform you that Dr. Al Arrayed Dr. Hassar and Dr. Abid Azhar will maintain their respected and effective cooperation with EMGEN as Honorary Steering Committee Members. In addition, the highest vote belong to Dr. Ali Haeri, that would make him interim chairperson of the steering committee unless the respected committee would deside otherwise.
Chairman of Steering Committee:
Dr. Ali Haeri
Professor, Director of Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Iran

Dr. Fereidoun Mahboudi (Industrial representative)
Associate Professor of Pasteur Institute of Iran, Director Biotechnology Network of Iran
Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari
Professor and Chairperson, BIO Technology, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
Dr. Karam S. Karam
Professor of Medicine, last Minister of Tourism and Alternate Minister of Health
Dr. Mohamed Mousli
Senior Research Scientist, Immuno-Biotechnology group’s Leader, Laboratory of Medical Parasitology, Biotechnology and Biomolecules, Institut Pasteur de Tunis

Dr. Laila Ali Akbar Bastaki
MD Genetics, Specialist, Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre
Dr. Arif Hussain
Assistant Professor of Molecular Oncology, Department of Biotechnology,Manipal University, Dubai Campus

Dr. Mohammad Hassar
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Director Pasteur Institute of Morocco, Casablanca
Dr. Shaikha Salim Al Arrayed
Consultant Clinical Geneticist, Head of Genetic Department, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Manama

Dr. Abid Azhar
Professor & Director General (KIBGE), University of Karachi