The 1st International Congress on Health Genomics and Biotechnology
The First International Congress on Health Genomics and Biotechnology will take place in Tehran, Iran at a prestigious Summit Meeting Conference Hall from 24-26 November 2007and within which is held the Imbn Steering Committee Election, simultaneously as a side meeting.New sponsoships will be accepted. This Congress will cover more than 40 different subjects including: 1. Genomics and Biotechnology in non communicable diseases, 2. Genetics of Human Pathogens, 3. Biopharmaceutics and Genetic Technology, 4. Bioethics, Biosafety in Genomics and Biotechnology Research and Application and Policy and Regulation, Networking and Management There will also be many side meetings and workshops. We welcome all organizations and genomics as well as biotechnology-focused scientists to take an active role in the forthcoming international congress which is expected to attract more than 1000 scientists from all over the world in order to exchange health-related information in Genomics and Biotechnology. The forthcoming conference will be held with the objectives as follows; 1. Introduction of the related new research findings in the region2. To draw the attention of research and training centers and executive organizations, industries and the private section to the expansion of Health Genomics and Biotechnology3. Distribution of developed international collaboration culture in technology transfer and Research and Development activities among the Islamic countries institutes/companies/organizations and also induce collaboration in production, training, Research and Development4. Recognition of the Genomics and Biotechnology potentials and capabilities in member countries, such as human resources, laboratories, instruments, etc5. Recognition of challenges and obstacles in advancement of Genomics and Biotechnology in the regional countries and the world6. Strengthening the relationship between researchers of EMRO member countries through discussion and debate among the health-related scientists The interested researchers could register and/or submit their papers in the related areas on the website of congress. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the internationally known referees after which corresponding authors of the accepted papers will be notified. Deadline:Abstract Submission: Aug. 15, 2007Acceptance Announcement: Sep. 22, 2007
For further information, including registration and abstract submission, please kindly visit the website of the congress at or contact the secretariat of the congress on below address;
No. 4, 7th floor, Mellat Tower, Vali-e-Asr Ave. TEHRAN-IRANP.O. Box: 19395-7177 Tel: (+98 21) 22 04 88 59 (+98 21) 22 03 73 83 Fax: (+98 21) 22 04 47 69Email:
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